Investment Management

CPAG is licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission to offer the following services to Professional and well Informed Investors:

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Portfolio Management

Establishing the fund’s investment strategies, policies and guidelines

Designing and implementing processes for the efficient and effective identification, evaluation, and selection of investment opportunities

Ensuring the investment decisions are carried out in compliance with the investment objectives and strategies

Establishing effective processes and procedures to withdraw from an investment

Ongoing monitoring of the investment portfolio

Frequent reporting to all stakeholders on the performance of investments

Preparing and analyzing economic and industry reports

Risk Managment

Establishing and implementing the fund’s risk management policies and procedures

Developing effective and efficient processes for the identification, measurement, management and monitoring of all risks relevant to fund’s investment strategy

Ongoing qualitative and quantitative monitoring of risk exposures and liquidity of the investment portfolios

Ensuring the funds risk profile is consistent with risk limit’s set

Management of leverage and exposures of the funds

Frequent review of the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management systems and processes